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FILE:  <LUCK.PUB> -- Publications of Robert F. Luck  <PHOTOS>  

          [Additional references may be found at:  MELVYL Library]


Bernal, J. S., R. F. Luck, and J. G. Morse.  1998.  Sex ratios in field populations of two parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of Coccus hesperidum L. (Homoptera: Coccidae).  Oecologia. 116: 510-518.


Forster, L. D. and R. F. Luck.  1997.  The role of natural enemies of California red scale in an IPM program.  Proceedings of the International Society of Citriculture VIII International Citrus Congress, May 12-17, 1996, Sun City, South Africa.  1:504-507.


Forster, L. D., R. F. Luck, E. E. Grafton-Cardwell.  1995  Life stages of California red scale and its parasitoids.  University of California Division of Biological Control.


Honda, J. Y. and R. F. Luck.  1995  Scale morphology effect feeding behavior and biological control potential of Rhyzobius lophanthae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).  Annals Entomological Society of America.  88:  441-450.


Kazmer, D. and R. F. Luck.  1995  Size-fitness relationships in a field population of the egg parasitoid, Tichogramma pretiosum.  Ecology  76: 412-425.


Lampson, L. J., J. G. Morse, and R. F. Luck.  1996  Host selection,sex allocation, and host feeding by Metaphycus helvolus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) on Saissetia oleae (Homoptera: Coccidae) and its effect on parasitoid size, sex, and quality.  Environmental Entomology.  25: 283-294.


Luck, R. F.  1971.  An appraisal of two methods of analyzing insect life tables.  Canad. Ent. 103:  1261-71.


Luck, R. F.  1981.  Parasitic insects introduced as biological control agents for arthropod pests. p. 125-284.  In:  D. Pimentel (ed.), CRC Handbook of Pest Management in Agriculture Vol. II.  CRC Press, Inc.  Boca Raton, Florida.  501 p.


Luck, R. F.  1985.  Competitive exclusion of Aphytis lingnanensis by A. melinus:  potential role of host size.  Ecology 66:  904-13.


Luck, R. F.  1995  Arthropod case histories:  California red scale Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Homoptera: Diaspididae).  pp 155-157.  In


Luck, R. F.  1995.  Size dependent selection of hosts by bark beetle parasitoids, implications for population dynamics of bark beetles.  pp. 164-183.  In Hain, F. P., S. M. Salom, W. F. Ravlin, T. L. Payne and K. F. Raffa. (eds.)  Behavior, Population Dynamics and Control of Forest Insects. Proceedings of a Joint International Union of Forestry Research Organizations Working Party Conference. Maui, Hawaii, February 6-11, 1994.  The Ohio State University, Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center, Wooster.


Luck R. F. 1998. Practical implications of host selection by Trichogramma viewed through the perspective of offspring quality. Pp. 51-7. In M. S. Hoddle (ed.). Innovation in Biological Control Research. California Conference on Biological Control.  June 10-11, 1998, Berkeley Calif.


Luck R. F. 1998. The role of biological control in the evolution of citrus pest managment.  Pp. 8-17.  In M. S. Hoddle (ed.). Innovation in Biological Control Research. California Conference on Biological Control. June 10-11, 1998, Berkeley Calif.


Luck, R. F. & D. L. Dahlsten.  1967.  Douglas-fir tussock moth (Hemerocampa pseudotsugata) egg mass distribution on white fir in northeastern California.  Canad. Ent. 99:  1193-1203.


Luck, R. F. & D. L. Dahlsten.  1974.  Bionomics of the pine needle scale, Chionaspis pinifoliae (Fitch), and its natural enemies at South Lake Tahoe, California.  Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 66:  309-16.


Luck, R. F. & D. L. Dahlsten.  1975.  Natural decline of a pine needle scale (Chionaspis pinifoliae (Fitch)) outbreak at South Lake Tahoe, California, following cessation of adult mosquito control with malathion.  Ecology 56:  893-904.


Luck, R. F. & H. Podoler.  1985.  Competitive exclusion of Aphytis lingnanensis by A. melinus:  Potential role of host size.  Ecology 66:  904-13.


Luck, R. F. & G. T. Scriven.  1976.  The elm leaf beetle, Pyrrhalta luteola in southern California:  its pattern of increase and its control by introduced parasites.  Environ. Ent. 5:  409-16.


Luck, R. F., R. van den Bosch & R. Garcia.  1977.  Chemical insect control, a troubled pest management strategy.  BioScience 27:  606-11.


Luck, R. F., J. C. van Lenteren, P. H. Twine, L. Kuenen & T. Unruh.  1979.  Prey or host searching behavior that leads to a sigmoid functional response in invertebrate predators and parasitoids.  Res. Pop. Ecol. 10:  257-64.


Luck, R. F., H. Podoler & R. Kfir.  1982.  Host selection and egg allocation behavior by Aphytis melinus and A. lingnanensis:  comparison of two facultatively gregarious parasitoids.  Ecol. Ent. 7:  397-408.


Luck, R. F., J. G. Morse, and D. J. Gumpf. 1996.  A summary of citrus pest problems in the Near East. pp. 309-349.  In Morse, J. G., R. F. Luck, and D. J. Gumpf. (Eds.) Citrus Pest Problems and their Control in the Near East. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 135. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Rome.


Luck, R. F., J. G. Morse, and D. J. Gumpf. 1996.  Introduction. pp 1-3. In Morse, J. G., R. F. Luck, and D. J. Gumpf. (Eds.) Citrus Pest Problems and their Control in the Near East. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 135. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Rome.


Luck, R. F., J. G. Morse, and D. J. Gumpf. 1996. California, United States. pp 257-305.  In Morse, J. G., R. F. Luck, and D. J. Gumpf. (Eds.) Citrus Pest Problems and their Control in the Near East. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 135. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Rome.


Luck, R. F., L. D. Forster, and J. G. Morse.  1997.  A ecologically based IPM program for citrus in California's San Joaquin Valley. Proceedings of the International Society of Citriculture VIII International Citrus Congress, May 12-17, 1996, Sun City, South Africa.  1:499-503.


Luck, R. F., M. J. Tauber, and C. A. Tauber.  1995  Contributions of biological control to population and evolutionary ecology. pp. 25-45  In Nechols,  J. R.,  L. L. Andres, J. W. Beardsley, R. D. Goeden, and C. G. Jackson (eds.).  Biological Control in the Western United States: Accomplishments and Benefits of Regional Research Project W-84, 1964-1989. University of California Press, Division of Agriculture and Natural


Luck, R. F., M. Shepard & P. E. Kenmore.  1988.  Experimental methods for evaluating arthropod natural enemies.  Annu. Rev. Ent. 33:  367-391.


Stouthamer, R., R. F. Luck, J. D. Pinto, G. R. Platner, B. Stephens. 1996. Non-reciprocal cross-incompatibility in Trichogramma deion (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae.  Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 80: 481-489.


Luck, R. F., L. Nunney & R. Stouthamer.  1999.  Sex ratio and quality in the culturing of parasitic Hymenoptera:  a genetic and evolutionary perspective. In:  T. S. Bellows & T. W. Fisher (eds.), Chapter 23, p. 653-671, Handbook of Biological Control:  Principles and Applications.  Academic Press, San Diego, New York.  1046 p.


Morse, J. G., D. J. Gumpf, and R. F. Luck. 1996.  Recommendations for citrus pest problems in the Near East. pp. 351-361.  In Morse, J. G., R. F. Luck, and D. J. Gumpf. (Eds.) Citrus Pest Problems and their Control in the Near East. United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. Rome.


Morse, J. G., R. F. Luck, and D. J. Gumpf. (Editors). 1996. Citrus Pest Problems and their Control in the Near East. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 135. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Rome.


Murdoch, W. W., S. L. Swarbrick, R. F. Luck, S. Walde, and D. S. Yu.  1996  Refuge dynamics and metapopulation dynamics: An Experimental test. American Naturalist  147: 424-444.


Murdock, W. W. R. F. Luck, S. L Swarbrick, S. Walde, D. S. Yu, J. D. Reeve.  1995.  Regulation of an insect population under biological control: effects of ants on a refuge from parasitism.  Ecology.  76: 206-217.


Nechols,  J. R.,  L. L. Andres, J. W. Beardsley, R. D. Goeden, and C. G. Jackson (eds.).  Biological Control in the Western United States: Accomplishments and Benefits of Regional Research Project W-84, 1964-1989. University of California Press, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland.Publ. 3361 Resources, Oakland. Publ. 3361.